by Stormy Shafer | Feb 12, 2015 | Annual Publicity Events, Marketing, Personal Appearances, Public Relations, Publicity, Publishing
I’m lucky as a freelance marketing consultant to be able to choose the projects I really want to work on, and over the years, my interest in writing and book publishing has led me to work with a number of authors. One of the more interesting and active marketers...
by Stormy Shafer | Feb 11, 2015 | Business books, Entrepreneurship, Marketing, New Tools, Small Business, Social Media, Traditional Marketing
Doug McLennan, founder and editor of ArtsJournal, has a new blog post up this week that I think takes a much-needed look at prevailing attitudes about artists and how they think about and market their work. Too Many Artists or Not Enough Value actually speaks to more...
by Stormy Shafer | Jul 25, 2013 | Advertising, Marketing, New Tools, Publicity, Small Business, Social Media
Small businesses have forever been on the light end of the stick when it comes to resources to compete with larger corporations with deep pockets and large marketing budgets. So often, they’ve been relegated to using inadequate tools to reach their target...